What Warrior Cat Are You Most Like?

SO many people think they know who they are. Poor, mislead people. They think they're evil, but they are only mild playground bullies... How sad.... how sad.

Who are you REALLY? Are you Scourge-like... or Graystripe? But why should I care??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Created by: Faminefoot
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather be a medicine cat or a warrior?
  2. If a baby squirrel was about to be hit by a car, would you help?
  3. You're taking a reading test. You figure you're gonna fail, so you put F as all the answers... and when you get it back, you're right.
  4. A random person comes up and hugs you.
  6. Did you know that you can tell how old a whale is with how much earwax it has?
  7. Lawlz xD
  8. You were bored, so you went outside. You saw a kid playing, and his ball rolled out into the street. He starts crying. You:
  9. You like ice cream
  10. This is the last question.
  11. Hi.
  12. If you were cookie monster, how many cookies would you eat?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I Most Like?