what warrior cat are you ?

Ok, this quiz is to see if your a true warrior some of these only have two choses so pick the one you think is best these names are made from scratch

Just telling you if I call you lazy don't take it presonaly I want you all to have fun so please please enjoy I will give hints so don't worry please

Created by: amazon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of cat in the clan are you?
  2. Your a kit you and your sister are sneaking out of camp when you get out, you see a mouse what should you do?
  3. SHE CATS ONLY You fell in love with a tom from a differint clan now you know your having his kits, what should you do?
  4. Your getting your first apprentice! Your leader askes witch one of the litter you like, witch one do you want to get?
  5. Your in a battle with a other clan, the medic asking for your help what should you do?
  6. You evesdrop on your mate he is talking to sunfur he/her says he loves her/him what should you do?
  7. Your apprentice will be made a warrior at sun high you and you leader chose a name what should it be ? (Last suffix)
  8. Your sister is going out of camp you follow her she goes to the twolegplace you see a twoleg pet her! What should you do?
  9. The leader calls you to her den she says that stonetooth the deputy is sick she wants you to sort the days patrols, what should you say?
  10. Your hunting a mouse it goes over the border what should you do ?

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I ?