What Warrior Cat are you?

Created by: Anna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You were just born. Do you try getting away from your littermates?
  2. You are now a moon old. You can see but you cannot talk or walk. What do you do?
  3. You are now 2 moons. You can now walk and talk. What do you do?
  4. You are now 3 moons. What do you do?
  5. You are now 4 moons. Do you think that being an apprentice is cool or do you think it's boring?
  6. You are now 5 moons! What do you plan to be?
  7. You are now six moons. The leader calls you and 3 other kits to come up. What type of mentor does the leader give you?
  8. You are now 7 moons. Theres a fight between all four clans going on! What do you do?
  9. You are now 8 moons. What do you do?
  10. You are now 9 moons. You are going to be a warrior soon. What will your warrior or medicine cat name be?
  11. You are now 10 moons. You are about to get your warrior or medicine cat name.
  12. If you want to be medicine cat~ You and the medicine cat go to the moonpool to get your full medicine cat name. You are now....
  13. If you want to be a warrior~ The leader calls you to get your warrior name. You are now....
  14. Now many moons later you die of course. How will you die?
  15. Now for the final question. What clan would you rather be?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I?