What warrior cat are you?

What cat are you? Though there are many quizzes to determine this, I have tried to make this a special quiz. Are you Burningheart, filled with rage and malice, or Pinefur, scared of a leaf falling off a tree?

This test will give you situations and see how you handle them. Please answer as truthfully as you can. This is what warrior you would be, so answer as yourself.

Created by: Sierra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a kit. You're sibling tells you that they're going to sneak into ShadowClan camp.
  2. Would you rather do fighting training or hunting?
  3. You are hanging out with the other apprentices. Suddenly your deputy calls you for a hunting patrol. Just then your medicine cat asks you to pick some comfrey.
  4. You are out alone. You spot a rouge slinking towards the camp.
  5. You are sitting on a rock, washing yourself. Suddenly Duskpelt pads up and asks if you will be his-her mate. You don't like Duskpelt very much.
  6. You are in a battle. You look around. You're clan leader is in trouble! Just then you hear a screech. The medicine cat is pinned down. You're apprentice is next to her.
  7. You're clan deputy dies. You can be deputy if you give up your mate. The other cat for deputy is your rival.
  8. There are three cats who want to be your mate. One is strong and tough. The other is sweet and caring. The last is very beautiful/handsome.
  9. What color would you like your pelt to be?
  10. What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I?