What warrior cat are you

Find out which warrior cat are you! This quiz will show you which cat are you most like! I could not make all cats, but I made some of my Favorite..... and least favorite!

Are you courageous? Smart? Calm? Crazy? Find out in this quiz! I will tell you what cat are you most like out of the ones I picked! The answwers are.............. I WONT TELL YOU!!! HAHHAHAHHA you have to take the quiz to find out!!!!

Created by: Karina Kosh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a follower or a leader or an observer.
  2. You meet a badger on patrol, what do you do.
  3. You discover a traitor in the clan. What do you do?
  4. Your leader is on their last life and fighting a giant cat. Your mate is also about to die.You are also about to die Who do you pick
  5. You are in love with a cat from another clan. They love you to.What do you do!
  6. You are expecting half clan kits. what do you do. she cats only
  7. The kits are coming!she cats only
  8. you are battling with your mate's clan. You jump on top of them before you realize it is your mate.
  9. You are deputy. what do you do?
  10. You die.How did you die?
  11. Did you die with your love?
  12. Did you go to starclan, or dark forest
  13. Who do you think your most like?

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I