what warrior cat are you?

hi! this is my first quiz that I made my self... like, EVER. first, do read the warrior books? i do, and if you dont, this quiz is not for you!

in this quiz, you get to see what cat your most like. there are four cats that you can get as a result in this quiz. im not saying who because its a surprise! in just a few minutes you will find out who you are!

Created by: rock claw
  1. you are in a battle and you see a friend fighting against a much bigger cat then both of you and calling for your help. but you have a deep gash on your shoulder. you...
  2. your laying around doing nothing. you...
  3. you and your clan are going to attack RiverClan, but have to swim to get there... twice. you...
  4. you just got into a fight with your best friend. you...
  5. its leaf-bare and there's all most no fresh kill. you...
  6. you went on a hunting patrol and everyone except you caught something. you...
  7. you notice someone on your patrol limping, but no one else notices. you...
  8. you got hurt bye attacking an intruder. you...
  9. you were just made a warrior and you have to sit night vigil, but there's a storm coming. you...
  10. there's an intruder on your territory! you...

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I?