What Warrior Cat Are You?

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Hello and welcome to this quiz! If you ever wondered what warrior cat you would be then this is for you! Never stop reading Warrior Cats! And who's excited for the movie?

Sorry if you favorite cat isn't on here but at least you know out of these four! I wasn't feeling up to making any more so that's why. Also i can't wait for the Warrior Cat movie to come out!

Created by: Shadow Star
  1. Your Leader Is Battling With A Cat Bigger Than Them And Is On Their Last Life. What Do You Do?
  2. Your in love with a cat from another clan but your friend tries to stop it. Do you
  3. Something happens that is an advantage to raid a different camp. What do you do?
  4. Your best friend leaves the clan and becomes a kittypet secretly. Only you know they are a kittypet. You
  5. A new warrior cat arc comes out! Do you
  6. A battle in the clan is happening! Your leader, mate, kits, and best friend are in trouble. Who do you save?
  7. A cat that likes you wants to go hunting but the leader wants you to lead a hunting party. Who do you listen to?
  8. You're out hunting with your apprentice and you spot a fox. What do you do?
  9. BloodClan comes to your camp and kills everyone but you. Do you
  10. Finally, the warrior cat movie comes out. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I?
