What warrior cat are you?

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This is for Rave098. You are epic I think you are most like Firestar. I LOVE your cavernclan Forums! anyway for every one else you read paragraph 2.

This quiz tells you what of these cats you are most like. (I got a little board and put down super random questions) :P Don't worry! The first 2 Questions don't have any afect on your score!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Mosspool
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you rather be doing?
  2. Are you blind?
  3. You are starved, what do you do?
  4. What do you like: Jays, lions, ivy, silver, doves, Gray?
  5. Dark Forest or StarClan?
  6. Would you want to be related to scourge
  7. Do you like banannas? (I NEED TO KNOW THAT!!!!!!!!)
  8. Its your final assesment and your brother was attacked by a dog and nobody is at camp, what do you do? (not that that would ever happen)
  9. Do you like Rave098? She is epic
  10. OmegaWolf9 is...

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I?