What Warrior Are You?

There have been many warriors throughout the ages. Some relied on their skills with their weapons to succeed in battle, while others won victories through sheer toughness. Which are you?

Pirate, Ninja, Indian, Knight, Saracen . . . ? Which are you? Take this quiz and find out for yourself what warrior you would've been in the deep annals of history.

Created by: clennon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Before entering battle you visit the armory. Which of the following options for armor would you choose?
  2. In the armory you also must choose a weapon. What would it be?
  3. You are presented with several means of transportation. Which would you choose?
  4. What size military unit would you most prefer?
  5. What types of soldiers would you incorporate?
  6. What terrain would you most prefer for a battle?
  7. You are walking down a street and see a man drag a woman into an alley; she's screaming for help. What do you do?
  8. You find a wallet with a driver's license and $10,174.25 in it. What do you do?
  9. What century do you prefer?
  10. What Continent is Best?
  11. How great is your bloodlust?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior am I?