what walton character are you?

Have you ever seen the waltons? Do you ever wonder if you'd have anything in common with them? Take this quiz and find out if you've never seen the show then don't take this quiz

I made this quiz because there are none and even though alot of teens will not know what this is there are some who will this show is awesome and it teaches you about life

Created by: summer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you protective?
  2. Favorite old tv show ?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. Who is the main caretaker on your family?
  5. Favorite name?
  6. Favorite food?
  7. Favorite Walton character?
  8. Least favorite Walton character?
  9. Favorite time period?
  10. Favorite season?

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Quiz topic: What walton character am I?