What Voldemort Horcrux Are You?

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This quiz will tell you which of Voldemort's Horcrux you are if you didn't know Horcrux's are when you kill someone and then split you soul and put it in something and someone so you will be immortal.

Nothing more to say about it, so just take the quiz. There are seven possible results to get. You'll see them after you submit your answers.

Created by: EnlistedLegoboss
  1. What Hogwarts house would you be in?
  2. Would your horcrux be?
  3. Good or Evil
  4. Who's your favorite Harry Potter character?
  5. What Deathly Hallow would you want?
  6. What's your favorite Harry Potter Book/movie?
  7. How would you want to destroy your Horcrux?
  8. What would be your boggart?
  9. What would be your patronus?
  10. What book would you like to have?

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Quiz topic: What Voldemort Horcrux am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Harry Potter Quiz category.
