What Vocaloid are you

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Hey! You! Yea you! Wanna see what type of amazing Vocaloid you are? Well if yes than you have come to the right place! I will find out which one you are!

I have a few questions to determine what type of Vocaloid you could be! If you don't get the answer you want please don't leave hate comments! I hope you all have fun!!!!!

Created by: Chimichnaga
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite Fruit/Veggie?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Who do you ship?
  4. Do you have a crush on any Vocaloids?
  5. Which Vocaloid do you hate?
  6. If you could be anyone of them which would you be?
  7. If you could adopt them (or one) who would it be?
  8. Which song is your favorite
  9. Will you comment and rate?
  10. Are you ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: What Vocaloid am I