what vaylar are you?

Vaylars are you one? lets find out now shall we, yes lets find out, yes they make yoou have a minimum character limit, i mean how stupid right? at least cut down to like 100 or something

werghu hyyy hhhjoppkk gtttt fffrrr ffr ffrr dertok ffrf ffg ffee ffrr hopoplolop ghjuiop gfadrety hhyopg fdert gyuip lmngh fgrt ertyuiop asdgtyh

Created by: rick
  1. what matters most to you?
  2. white or green?
  3. power or love?
  4. are you bored?
  5. trains or cars?
  6. i have to do at least 10 of these questions, you know that right?
  7. momo or tiffany
  8. food or drink
  9. ted or dougal
  10. kenzie or jordyn?

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