what UnOrdinary character are you?

this is about the UnOrdinary webtoon, you really should read it if you haven't already. my username on this is the same as on webtoon, so you'll know what comments are mine :)

I honestly love this weston, and webtoon in general. I'm guessing that you are bored by know, and i apologize for that. you have to get to a certain symbol amount, so. ENJOY THE QUIZ! plz not this isn't very accurate, but it should be accurate enough.

Created by: frudubiggins
  1. a kid steals your lunch money, you
  2. you have _____ issues
  3. you are bored
  4. you're upset because i put in this filer question that doesn't actually affect your score.
  5. you have _____ best friends
  6. you have read the UnOrdinary webtoon
  7. you are most like
  8. your nickname is
  9. when you're bored you
  10. eh?

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Quiz topic: What UnOrdinary character am I?
