What UnderTale Charecter Likes You?

here you will be finding out what one is your new favorite charecter or your new crush, but eaither way you might just decide that this quiz is just for you!

But just be careful, you dont want TO MANY, people to be crushing on you, JUST A WARRNING!! [Creator ran away from this MONSTER-osity] *you just fainted*

Created by: Sans_Boi
  1. Who would you save from falling off of a super high cliff?
  2. Who would you hang out with the most??
  3. RP TIME!!! Who would you pretend to kill?
  4. If you were to be killed for someone by Chara, who would it be?
  5. Who will you be sitting next to ALL of the time?
  6. How many frinds would you have?
  7. How many pets?
  8. How old would you be?
  9. Childish or not childish?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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