What Undertale character would you be?

Everyone likes undertale, so let's see what undertale character YOU are. Hmm i wounder who will you be :3 Well lets find out who you are just play the quiz and lets get started.

You should play undertale before playing thins quiz or watch someone play it, it is so worth it because there might be spoilers!! So are you going to see who you are well lets find out.

Created by: Valerie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your most showed personality?
  2. What is you favorite thing to do?
  3. What is you Favorite food/drink?
  4. I know it might not seem so but this does mean something... What is you favorite emoji?
  5. Hi.
  6. What is you favorite weather?
  7. What kind of movies/Tv shows do you like?
  8. If you were to play Undertale or have already then what way would you go?
  9. What is you favorite prank to play on people?
  10. Bye :P

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