What u know about me

Dont read this I am just gunna put a lot of letters in it cuz I accidentally clicked a button that made the hard work I did before go away so like it was stupid so yea I am just gunna keep typing and typing and typing and typing and typing til I think there is alot of characters in this thing cuz these people are strict AHHHHHHH

BE THE FART!!!! BE THE FART!!! BE THE FART !!! BE THE FART!!! i DONT know how much of that is gunna work but yea anywayz Later DUDES and DUDETTES...LOVE, Lauren Beck

Created by: Lauren

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. When is my b-day??
  4. What is my ex-boyfriends name???
  5. Who is my best friend?
  6. How many brothers do I have?
  7. Who is my favorite band?
  8. My favorite drink?
  9. What is my favorite show?
  10. What is my favorite movie?
  11. My favorite animal?
  12. Hottest Guy on TV??
  13. My Favorite sport???

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