What Type Of Wolfdog Would You Be?

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This is just a small fun little 12 question quiz to see what type of Wolfdog you are. There are 5 breeds and with every possible answer there is information about what Wolfdog you would be.

Come and see today What Type Of Wolfdog Are you! Do you have the ability to see how Clever, Fast or Cute you are as a Wolfdog? Come and find out because now you can Find this out In this quiz!

Created by: Awesomekittenyeah

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  1. What hair colour do you have?
  2. What would you consider your personality being?
  3. What length and thickness do you consider your hair?
  4. Which letter do you like the most out of these letters?
  5. R. P time! Let's say you were going to buy a dog but on the way you saw a injured dog on the rode what do you do?
  6. R. P part 2! If you didn't take the dog skip this question. You just found out that the dog that you rescued was a rare breed of Wolf dog what do you do?
  7. If you were a Wolfdog would you prefer to be a rare Wolfdog or not?
  8. Would you keep a wolf dog as a pet if so which one?
  9. Almost the end of the quiz! Yay! :) the Second last question if you would have to choose how many Wolfdogs would you have out of 5?
  10. Last question! Did you enjoy this quiz? And do you like Wolfdogs in general?

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