What type of wolf are you?

In this quiz you can find out what your spirit wolf is. It could be a black wolf, gray wolf or a few others. If you answer the question truthfully you will get the correct answer.

If you don’t you will get the wrong answer. So, please answer truthfully or you’ll get the wrong answer and I don’t want that cuz it took me a wile to make this so it would make me a little sad.

Created by: Kyleigh
  1. What do people think first when describing you?
  2. What is the color of your hair or the closest to it?
  3. What type do you think you are?
  4. You find a hurt wolf what do you do?
  5. What’s your biggest trait?
  6. What’s closest to your favorite color?
  7. Are you ready for the next question? “This has no effect on your score.”
  8. You you find a bracelet on the ground but can’t find the person it belongs to what do you do?
  9. What is your favorite season?
  10. Are you ready for the last question?
  11. What is your favorite time of day.

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Quiz topic: What type of wolf am I?
