What type of vampire are you?

This quiz will explain your inner vampire self. It will release Any questions about your vampiric personality and if you are a good vampire or an evil one. Which path will you, or have you taken?

You will find out what type of vampire you are and see if you actually like being one! Please comment below on my quiz and have a good time! Thank you for reading this information!

Created by: OMG_ItsCoco!
  1. Do you want to be a vampire?
  2. If you were a vampire, would you spend a lot of time with humans?
  3. Do you wish the sun was gone so you wouldn't ever burn?
  4. Let's say your still human. Do you like garlic?
  5. Are werewolves your enemies or allies?
  6. What vampire eyes do you have? (Color)
  7. Would you ever feed on your friend?
  8. Do people call you weird?
  9. Would you want to be an evil vampire?
  10. What is your favorite color?
  11. Would you turn someone into a vampire?
  12. If you needed to save yourself or your BFFL from dying who would you save?
  13. What is your greatest wish?
  14. Do you like the idea of not being able to go in the sun?
  15. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of vampire am I?
