What type of style describes you?

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This quiz is trying to guess what your style is. In the end no matter what you get you are still very pretty and a wonderful person never say your not, you will start thinking that and also please try and be honest.

I made this quiz because I thought people would want to see what there style is this would be my second quiz I made I really have a great time creating these quizzes for people.

Created by: Claire Grace
  1. Whats your fav color?If you know what I did with the first to answer we need to talk!!
  2. Would you wear tie dye every day?
  3. Do you wear high heels every day?
  4. Do you have GUCCI or very fashionable clothes?
  5. What is something you hate
  6. Pick one
  7. What song do you like
  8. Do you want to be the center of attention
  9. What are your hobbies?
  10. and finally do you like makeup?

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Quiz topic: What type of style describes me?
