What type of soldier r u?

This is just a fun quiz to see who u would be in the army😃 be warned idk how accurate this test is. Plz do not join up just because u got a result on this. One cause I might feel bad and two cause thats just plain stupid

Have fun! I really hope u enjoy this quiz cause it took me a while to make it. If u could plz tell me what u think at the end of this it would be aprectiated

Created by: Jago
  1. What is ur weapon of choice
  2. Would u rather...
  3. U see a guy turning a corner with a rocket launcher and is aiming it at ur friends truck. U...
  4. What would u do during ur free time?
  5. Ur friend gets shot u...
  6. U are the only one left of ur squadron and u have no further commands u....
  7. Which series do u prefer
  8. Do u like this quiz? Ur answer will have no affect on ur result
  9. If someone murdered the love of ur life u would....
  10. Last one ( again this does not affect ur result)

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