What type of school girl r u

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Find out what school girl you are sorry if you don’t like what you get this is my first quiz. hope u like tho! have fun, they are making me make this long u do not have to read this.

Like omg they make me do another one! Please comment about an idea you have for me to do and let me know what you liked and didn’t like and I could make a better one!

Created by: Sabrina girlie!!!!
  1. Which one do you like the most
  2. What singer do you like the best?
  3. What’s ur fav movie
  4. What’s ur hobby
  5. What store do you like to shop at?
  6. You come home and your mom says you need to do ur home work right now you little BRAT!
  7. I’m running out of questions
  8. Ur crush asks u out.what do you say
  9. Pick one
  10. What do you wear to school?

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