What Type of Purse Should You Get?

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Having a hard time finding the purse that's THE ONE? With a vast sea of purses to chose from, it can be hard to pick out the one that's best for you and your lifestyle.

But thanks to this quiz, you'll be able to narrow it down to a category of purses that will be best for YOU. And then it's up to you to find the one you really love XD. But for now, let's get started!

Created by: Girl Friday

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  1. When you shop for a purse, what's most important?
  2. Do you love designer bags?
  3. When you buy a purse, you want it to last:
  4. If we opened your closet...
  5. If you went window shopping and saw something adorable in the window, you would:
  6. Your friend and you are at the mall when she groan she's hungry. You comply by:
  7. Your favorite electronic gadget is:
  8. Describe a terrifyingly terrible purse experience.
  9. If someone were to look into your purse, what would they say?
  10. This won't effect your result, just help me in the future! Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Purse should I Get?