What type of preson are you? 3

This quiz is a quiz related to my What type of preson are you? 2 Quiz You can take it here just put Gotoquiz's URL before /what_type_of_preson_are_you_1 and my What type of preson are you? Quiz. You can take it here just put Gotoquiz's URL before /what_type_of_preson_are_you_2 Sorry I spelled preson wrong and I can't put the full URL

So what type of person are you? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! So take this quiz!

Created by: penne12

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. How many sons do you have? (under 18)
  3. How many daughters do you have (under 18)
  4. How many brothers do you have?
  5. How many sisters do you have
  6. What is your favorite activity out of the following:
  7. How many good friends do you have?
  8. How many boy friend/girl friend relations do you have?
  9. Do you have many good friends?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (effects score)
  11. Have you taken my other quiz what type of preson are you? 2

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Quiz topic: What type of preson am I? 3