What Type Of Presbyterian Are You?
This quiz was made by a Reformed Presbyterian. The primary audience for this quiz is Reformed Presbyterians. You can still take this quiz if you are not Reformed Presbyterian, but be warned that there is a lot of anti-non-Protestant theology.
Wait, are you talking about Isaiah 53? In synagogues, the Rabbis won't let you read that chapter. In fact, Jewish Old Testaments just skip over Isaiah 53: they go, "51, 52, 54, 55..." One time, I noticed that Isaiah 53 was missing while studying the Book of Isaiah at the synagogue. I wanted to look it up on one of the computers there, so I googled it, but the rabbi saw and shut the computer off and yelled at me. I started to cry and asked him why I couldn't read it, and he said that Isaiah 53 is a "forbidden chapter" that only the Rabbis are allowed to read. He said that I would go to Jewish Hell if I ever read it. I've been scared to read it ever since.