What type of person are you | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What type of person are you.
"Your Result: The jerky friend 80%
Your a friend but your not a good one your always laughing at your friends for something they did or said wrong and if one of your friends gets in a argument you take the other side not your friends and ps that really bites man"
I love how this result doesn't describe me. x3 I may laugh at what they did/said wrong, but bro, they do the same to me too! And I wouldn't take the other side in an argument, I would just stay away from it. .3. Eh. Alright quiz, btw.
BTRfreak1 -
I got Loner.
I think this is pretty accurate, I do have a few close friends, but when I'm at school (I don't go to school with my friends anymore) I usually keep to myself and have like two friends. Also, I don't like people telling me what to do.
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