What Type Of Owl Are You?

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Want to know what type of Owl you are? Take this quiz and tog can find out! If you think that some of these questions do not show you what Owl you are then you are wrong because it helps a lot!!!

There are only a few owls that you can be so please don't be mad at me because I tried my hardest and now it is time for you to try it and see what type of owl you are!!!

Created by: Raina Wiesner
  1. Do you like owls?
  2. If you were an owl would you fly high or low?
  3. What is your favourite sent?
  4. What are you like around new people?
  5. Do you know much about owls?
  6. How do you describe yourself?
  7. Do you like this quiz?
  8. Are you sure that you like this quiz?
  9. Have you ever done a quiz before?
  10. Owls are the best, don't you agree?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Owl am I?
