What Type of Mom Will You Be?

There are many types of moms, and this quiz will give you a hint as to what type of mother you will be. How was your mom? That might give you an idea of how you'll be, but if you think you'll be different just take the quiz and find out.

Will you be a wise, loving or playful mom? Until now you could only imagine, but take the quiz and you'll know for sure. If you disagree with the results that's OK, be whatever mom you want to be!

Created by: Kim
  1. When taking your child to a play date what would you tell him/her before playtime starts?
  2. If your child is crying because he/she fell and scraped a knee, what would you do?
  3. What would be your ideal playtime with your child?
  4. What will you say to your child before the first "ever" babysitter arrives?
  5. What would you tell your child the first day of preschool?
  6. Which baby girl's name do you like best?
  7. Which baby boy name do you like best?
  8. Which kid activity would you enjoy most?
  9. How would you react when your child is throwing a fit in the supermarket?
  10. Do you believe in spanking?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Mom will I Be?