What type of leftist are you?

Hey! This is a quiz to test what type of left-wing ideology you are. In this quiz, you will answer a short series of questions to determine a certain ideology.

Of the following ideologies, there are three: Marxist-Leninists, Anarchists/libertarian socialists, and democratic socialists. Please test to see which you are!

Created by: Ethan
  1. How should socialism/communism should be achieved?
  2. What do you think of the state?
  3. Which of the following left-wing philosophers do you most closely identify with?
  4. Communism is moreso of a prediction of what would happen after the revolution rather than a goal to go to.
  5. Which of these right-wing ideologies do you think you are closest to?
  6. Of identity politics and class warfare, which do you think is the biggest issue in society?
  7. What do you think of Vladimir Lenin?
  8. Which of these left texts do you most closely identify with?
  9. Of which of the reasons do you most dislike Donald Trump?
  10. This is just a filler question lol.

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Quiz topic: What type of leftist am I?
