What type of learner are you?

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Hello, I'm Hailey and the quiz you are about to take will help me determine what type of learner makes up the majority of the students in our school. I chose this for my Genius Hour project because I thought it would be cool to see if we are more alike than we think we are.

Many different types of learners make up the world. You can be a Visual learner, an Auditory learner or a Kinesthetic learner. What type of learner are you?

Created by: Hailey Mynott
  1. When you have spare time you would rather be...
  2. Imagine you are being given a science experiment to do in class with two of your friends. You can be the Experimenter who conducts the experiment, you can be the Recorder who records the data or you can be the Presenter who presents the data to the class. If you had the choice you would pick to be the...
  3. If you had a preference of a type of book, what would it be?
  4. Out of these three classes, which one is your favourite?
  5. Pretend you are at a school assembly and you won a prize for doing something good in your community. You can pick one prize only. Your choices are a $25 Apple gift card, $25 Chapters gift card or a $25 Playland pass. You would pick...
  6. You want to add something new to your room. What would you choose?
  7. When you don't know how to spell a word you...
  8. When learning about something new in class you would rather...
  9. If you could create a new school club what type of club would you create?
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz (this is to let me know if I did a good job)?

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Quiz topic: What type of learner am I?
