What type of infected are you?

If you want to know what type of infected you are, you are in luck. You will think you are lucky finding this quiz. Take this quiz to find out what type you are. Good luck! :)

Are you wondering what type of infected you are? Well, if you are wondering, take this quiz now. You will find out what kind of infected you are in a few minutes! ^_^

Created by: Axel Prescott
  1. You got captured by Nick! What do you do?
  2. If you find a wooden door, what would you do?
  3. Do you think you are a special or a common infected?
  4. Who would you attack?
  5. Which characteristic choices describe you?
  6. Do you like this quiz so far?
  7. do you hate other people?
  8. Are you evil?
  9. Did you play the first and/or second Left 4 Dead?
  10. Well?

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Quiz topic: What type of infected am I?