What type of human are you?

What type of human are you? Every body has this question in their minds some say they are smart some cute some intelligent some bave and some popula get to know what type of being are you with my newest quiz which is created by a 14teen year old girl and i request you to tell all you friends to play this quiz and please rate and comment

So do you think you are smart an you friends like you a lot . I too have many friends nilen, mandira ,pratiksha, swaraj, bhumi, wangchen, yapchung whom i call buddies and many more friends i have like you do take the quiz and get your results dont forget to rate and comment

Created by: Karuna khawas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Complete the sentence. Youre on the phone with your girlfriend
  2. When your friends need you. You
  3. If someone hurts you
  4. What type of friends you have
  5. What does your friende think about you
  6. What type of movie you like
  7. Are you talktive
  8. Do you like ta sing or dance
  9. What do you prefer
  10. Who is your fave
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz
  12. Are you excited to know you results

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Quiz topic: What type of human am I?