What Type Of Horse Are You?

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There are many types or horse... many people think they ar efast and fun but are they liek a TB, many think they are steady and kind but... are they a cob people think different things and want to be certain things BUT are they who they think they are... well here is where you find out! !! ! !! ! !!

Are you a cob? are you a TB? Or are ou one epf the many other breeds? Well find out what breed you are exactly! You may be suprized or maybe not... just try to see!

Created by: Jess

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see some adverts for horses for sale... Which one takes your fancy?
  2. So what is your favorite colour of horse.
  3. So now what is your favorite sports
  4. What sort of age horses do you ride/own
  5. Do you like the Quiz?
  6. I have to have 12 questions so... Do you play a game called Howrse
  7. Do you like hacking or schooling more?
  8. Wow nearlly over now... just a few more questions...
  9. So, do you ride...
  10. Haha so what would you want to be? (This will olny deturmine 5% of the result)

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Horse am I?