What Type Of Hair Do You Have?

Do you not know what hair you have? Take this quiz and find out. It is simple and short. It only takes 5-8 minutes of your time. This quiz will also help inform you on how to take care of your hair.

This test is free so you do not have to go online and speak to a hair expert on what type of hair you have. This quiz is not 100% accurate, but it is at least 90% accurate as long as you answer the questions truthfully.

Created by: Olivia
  1. How often do you have to wash your hair before it gets oily?
  2. Do you often get frizzy hair?
  3. If you put oil in your hair, does it get greasy?
  4. How much product do you put in your hair?
  5. How much do you spend on hair products?
  6. Do you consider your self to have natural hair?
  7. What race are you?
  8. Do you normally wear weaves or extensions?
  9. What color are your eyes?
  10. If you take a glass of water and put a strand of your hair in it, will the strand of hair sink to the bottom of the glass of water?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Hair do I Have?

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