what type of guy should you date?

so...wanna know what type of guy you should date? the choices are emo,skateboarder, or preppy. if you take this quiz you may look back one day && thankful you took this quiz

well...i have already told you enough.except i kind of forgot ot tell you one little detail.the age, && gender, && the end has no effect on the conclusion. yeayaz. well thats all that i have to say bout this subject -allison <3

Created by: mason12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the biggest turn off for you?
  2. which hairstyle is better?
  3. which type of shirt would you prefer your guy to wear?
  4. what do you think about guys who wear VERY tight jeans? aka "drainpipes"
  5. do you know what hxc is? (yes this has an affect)
  6. do you like 'fall out boy' ? (its a band)
  7. what type of guy do you prefer?
  8. ur gay.. wats ur come back
  9. have you ever cheated on a boyfriend?
  10. the end.

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Quiz topic: What type of guy should I date?