what type of guy do you attract?

There are many types of boys out there in the world wanna know what type is yours take my quiz and find out what type of guy you yourself attract. 😊💙😊

I don't care anymore so random letters will interest you hopefully vjfufofifjgjghhgjghchfhxoxicchdhfhfhd dhdhd hchxhxhcjjh gkfhghfofkfvhf---hchcjciguh

Created by: mckayla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fav color?
  2. What is your favorite activity?
  3. What type of guy do you think you attract?
  4. What type do you like better?
  5. Do you think I am cool ( this doesn't count as a score)
  6. How are your grades in school?
  7. These next questions don't matter at all of effect your score so just randomly pick.
  8. Still doesn't count as anything
  9. Ok this one dosent count either but do you like my quiz 😃
  10. Last one this one doesn't count either who is my best friend?

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Quiz topic: What type of guy do I attract?