What type of girls do you attract?

This quiz determines what type of girls you attract In the quiz i ask questions that lead to the types of girls you attract Have fun and plz dont get salty

Thx for taking the quiz hopefully i answered what u wanted to hear if not dont get salty i dont wanna hear it but anyways let me know if i should continue to make quizzes

Created by: Triston
  1. Have you broken the law?
  2. Do you smoke/Have you smoked?
  3. Gay, Bi, Or Straight?
  4. Do you like sex? Or want it?
  5. Which one of these would you date?
  6. How do you like ur girls?
  7. Favorite sport?
  8. What is your hobby?
  9. What type of girls do you think you attract?
  10. Should I make more Quizzes?

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Quiz topic: What type of girls do I attract?