What type of girl are you?

This quiz tells you or gives you an estimation about what type of file you are a girly girl a tomboy a geek and a bad girl. Jshsjsbdhjddvbdjdndndjdjdjdjdjdnxnxndndndnddnn

Jxjsjsbbdjdsbbsjssvhshdhshsbsbdhddhbdbdhsjdndbddndjjdjdudbdhdjdbddhudbddydsjjssbhssjbd dbdjdndndndjdj ejddjbedienb jd hejjddiiddjdhe. Jejejejdjdjrbejjd djdjejjd

Created by: Madog
  1. What will you do on a Saturday night?
  2. Which job so you like best?
  3. Your crush ask you on a date how do you respond?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. What do your friends say about you?
  6. What do you want as a present from your crush?
  7. What is your favorite activity?
  8. What is your favorite singer?
  9. Which mythical creaters would you rather be?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What type of girl am I?
