What Type of Girl are You?

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What girl are you? Are you girly, social, trendy, or etc? Well, this quiz will tell you! Based on you, your lifestyle, and you choices! This quiz is the quiz to use!

I hope you enjoy the quiz and have satisfying results! Just remember, if you disagree with what you get, it is normal. This is a quiz, a quiz is not a human being. No matter how accurate it is, it will never be as complex as an actually person.

Created by: CuteClick123
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite app?
  3. Which hobby is your favorite?
  4. What is your ideal outfit?
  5. Do you care about your physical appearance?
  6. What word describes you the most?
  7. -Roleplay- You go to school in a _____ outfit
  8. During lunch, people doing the latest 'in' dances. You decide to _______
  9. When you walk home you stop to _________
  10. -Roleplay over- If you could do whatever you wanted for one day, what would you do for a majority of the day?
  11. Are you ready for the answer?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Girl am I?

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