There are many girls who think their one thing or another, what are you truly?A girly-girl, tomboy, cowgirl, athletic girl, or a braniac? What group do YOU belong in???

Are YOU a certain type of girl? Do you have the ability to be a girly-girl, a tomboy, a cowgirl, an athletic girl, or a Arabica? Until now you wonder. After this great quiz, you'll know!!!

Created by: Kaylee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you see dirt, you..?
  2. What type of clothes do you wear
  3. On the weekends, u are..?
  4. What table do you sit at?
  5. Do you have a phone?
  6. What are your friends like?
  7. Do yo have Facebook, histogram, etc.
  8. How much boyfriends have you had??
  9. What do you think of yourselves? (Answer honestly)
  10. UR pet...

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Quiz topic: WHAT TYPE OF GIRL am I??!!