What type of girl are you?

What girl are you? Come find out in this amazing quiz! Are you Fire, Ice or Earth. What are you? Maby you are mean or nice. It is up to your personal answers.

I was personally Ice so I am very excited to see what you are, and I hope you are extremely excited to see what you are!! I would love to know who else is in the Ice fam with me!

Created by: FireWitch
  1. Do you like tea?
  2. Are you mean?
  3. You you like to have cold drinks or warm?
  4. Are you a girl or a boy?
  5. Can you speak a different language?
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
  7. Do you normally get sick?
  8. Are you lying?
  9. What do you prefer?
  10. What do want to be?

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Quiz topic: What type of girl am I?
