what type of gamer are you?

this paragraph is dedicated to all the beasts that won like the greek solders and other history stuff. but you are the beasts that got more thane 50% on your quiz

this is for losers who obviesly dont now how to game sorry to say it but you suck! less than 50% really peaple! your just flat out terrible at all games!

Created by: Aidan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite game?
  2. why do you play video games?
  3. what is your favorite game systym?
  4. do you like violent games?
  5. do you play with mods?
  6. what is your favorite game type?
  7. what would you do with 1,000,000 dalla?
  8. witch would you rather play?
  9. witch would you rather do in a game?
  10. do you think video games are life?

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Quiz topic: What type of gamer am I?