what type of friend are you

this quiz will show you what type of friend you are. are you the lazy nerd, the mature one or the baby with the boyfriend. you will soon get to know, this will be a fun journey.

this quiz is fun for people who just love their friends. i love my friends, therefore i made this quiz. make sure to tell your friends that you love them, and don't forget to love yourself.

Created by: garmadana
  1. what do you do most often
  2. what color is your favorite?
  3. your type of humor?
  4. favorite food
  5. favorite season
  6. favorite subject
  7. what does your day look like
  8. how smart are you for 1-10
  9. how strong are you?
  10. favorite tv show
  11. what offends you?
  12. do you fall in love easily

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Quiz topic: What type of friend am I
