What type of food are you?

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Most people don’t worry about what food they are. It isn’t really the most common thing to think about. With this quiz you can find out which food is most like you.

Is your food cool as a cucumber or sweet as a strawberry. I give thanks to Nancy Krulik author of ‘How I Survived Middle School’ for starting me up on this great program.

Created by: Pink flowers
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. What’s your favourite sport?
  5. How many pets do you have?
  6. What accessories do you like wearing?
  7. If a friend asked you to go on a road trip, what type of music would you listen to?
  8. Do you like Harry Potter.
  9. What’s your favourite emoji?
  10. How many siblings do you have?
  11. What colour is your hair?

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Quiz topic: What type of food am I?
