What type of fairy are you?

THIS IS ABOUT FAIRIES. HERE ARE SOME Words from another planet..... hhuufyu fuhfhef fbuihieo ufgugf jwhbd hope you like our quiz. NEXT PAROGRAPH!!!!!!

HOPE YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE WEIRDOS! jhfudug fjhgbkjdhuifjbv jbnidubvif ivbuivbid vbuifbui iurughn wbfhgugb rgbgug ubwirg ugbugw iubguibg ubw ubguwbg Bye!

Created by: olivia and wierdo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long do you stay up at night?
  2. What do you like in boys?
  3. what's your personality?
  4. Favourite colour?
  5. Favourite song
  6. eye colour
  7. How many siblings?
  8. what type do you hope to be
  9. how easily do you get distracted
  10. Did you like it?

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Quiz topic: What type of fairy am I?