What Type Of Dragon Will You Be?

Do you wanna be a dragon? Take this quiz and find out what type of dragon you could be! This quiz is pretty easy as you can tell... Dragons are mythical creatures if you didn't know...

Are you DESTINED to be a dragon!? But what type?! You can find out by playing/answering this little quiz! No more wondering! You can finally know what you are meant to be!

Created by: Everest

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's your favorite color? ( I can't think of anything )
  2. Do you want to be pretty? ( Sorry boys )
  3. Do you want to be a dragon?
  4. Would you rather be feathered or just have normal wings? (What?)
  5. Do you like to swim?
  6. Do you like technology??
  7. Do you like to stay in the shadows? Do you like night more then day?
  8. Would you fly a lot if you were a dragon?
  9. Do you like heat or cold better?
  10. Saying it again... Do you or don't you wanna be a dragon?
  11. Bye! Did you enjoy? :P.

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Dragon will I Be?