What type of Dragon are you? Quiz

Do you wish you could be a dragon, if so, do you know what type of dragon you want to be? If you're not quite sure, you can take this quiz to find out what type of dragon relates to you the most. *Growl!*

Are a Dark Dragon, a Dragon striker, a Dragon possessor, a Draco sel vanrose dragon, an Angelic Dragon, or a ZW Dragon. In this 35 question quiz, you'll find out. I personally love dragons so I made this.

Created by: Zammis Wood
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the best band out of these in your opinion?
  2. What is favorate color?
  3. What is your favorate animal out of these?
  4. What is your favorite pass time?
  5. What is your normal mood?
  6. Do you like board games?
  7. What is your favorite mythological creature?
  8. Dogs or cats?
  9. Morning, Afternoon, Night or Midnight?
  10. Do you have alergies?
  11. What is your favorite show?
  12. What is your worst nightmare.
  13. What is your best dream?
  14. What dragon do you want to be?
  15. How many of each animal did moses have on his arch at "the flood?"
  16. How many two cent stamps are in a dozen?
  17. Am I stumping you at all?
  18. What pet do you have?
  19. How do you stretch?
  20. What is your favorite food?
  21. What do think of pop-ups?
  22. How do you exercize?
  23. What would you do if you saw your little brother being bullied?
  24. What is your favorite drink?
  25. Do like techno?
  26. What is the weirdest dream you ever had?
  27. What is your eye color?
  28. What is the shape of your pupel
  29. Is this quiz fun?
  30. Do you want this quiz to end?
  31. What do you normaly eat for breakfast?
  32. What do you normaly eat for lunch?
  33. What do you normaly eat for dinner?

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Quiz topic: What type of Dragon am I? Quiz