What type of dragon are you?

Dragons are all over, but have you ever thought about what dragon you are? here is a quiz that might help you find out. i have picked 7 of the thousand of dragon types that might be you.

this is my first quiz, i have spent many year researching magic. i have decided to help the rest of the world find out about the world of magic that so many people decide to ignore. enjoy!!

Created by: Pearl Dragon
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Which of these do you want?
  4. Where would you prefer to live?
  5. Which of these jobs would you like most?
  6. which would you like to control?
  7. which power do you want most?
  8. which of these do you want to eat?
  9. which of these would you like to collect?
  10. which do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What type of dragon am I?