What type of Conservative are you?

American Conservatism has a long history and many varieties. Despite having a common opposition to leftism, many schools of conservative thought are also fundamentally opposed to each other.

This quiz is for people who already know that they are right of center, and are interested in seeing which Conservative tradition they most align with.

Created by: Gilbert Guerra
  1. Which position is closest to your views on taxes?
  2. If you can only pick one, what is your preferred way to combat poverty?
  3. Which is closest to your position on trade?
  4. What is your view of America's role in the world?
  5. What is closest to your stance on immigration?
  6. What is the best way to keep America safe?
  7. What is your stance on gay marriage?
  8. What is your position on abortion?
  9. Which of these issues matter most to you?
  10. Which politician do you most identify with?
  11. When are you most likely to support government spending?

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Quiz topic: What type of Conservative am I?